The adhesion of the reinforcement, if you are using the truss-type, does not intervene with the transmission of
forces between the first and last node of the truss. The transmission of forces in these sections is performed
entirely through the diagonal wires, even without mortar, by virtue of their geometrical configuration, indeformable in their plane.
forces between the first and last node of the truss. The transmission of forces in these sections is performed
entirely through the diagonal wires, even without mortar, by virtue of their geometrical configuration, indeformable in their plane.
Where it is really essential for the adherence of transmission of forces between the ends of pieces of reinforcement where the truss ends. This is why the overlap needs, a length proportionate to the forces that are transmitted and adequate cover in the overlap area.
To transfer the maximum force that it can withstand equally in the reinforcement, a sufficient overlap length of 250mm is needed (this value must be verified by tests).
To achieve the adequate transfer of adhesion and forces in the overlap areas, the wires must be spaced when overlapping to a distance equal to their diameter.
To transfer the maximum force that it can withstand equally in the reinforcement, a sufficient overlap length of 250mm is needed (this value must be verified by tests).
To achieve the adequate transfer of adhesion and forces in the overlap areas, the wires must be spaced when overlapping to a distance equal to their diameter.