Our company, Steel for Bricks, is a Spanish manufacturer of masonry reinforcement solutions.
Fisufor®, our product, is a prefabricated bed joint reinforcement consisting of two parallel wires welded together with a continuous truss wire.
Fisufor®, is CE marked according to EN 845-3.
Steel for bricks also manufactures wall ties, permanent formwork for slab edges and has developed its own constructive system: the GHAS system.
SFB belongs to the group of companies GZ. The group consists of four companies:
ZFoam offers different kinds of transformed foams for different applications in industry, building, sports and leisure, packaging, health care and plastic products.(http://www.zfoam.com/)
Tecno GZ is a company specialized in acoustic isolation in the building industry. (http://www.tecnogz.com/)
Geohidrol is the company that markets and distributes the products of the other companies and it has the technical service. (http://www.geohidrol.com/)